Peixos Ferragut Fernández Back to Fish and Seafood Peixos Ferragut FernándezStands nr. 28ABAsun runs this stall with the help of her husband Jordi. They are specialised in local species and have their own trawler. Tel. 687 573 317 – 607 849 Other stands in fish and seafood Pescados CarmenPescados Mir VeraPeixos i Mariscs MarLa Casa del Caviar ImperialPeixos MariPeixos BlancoCongelados MariPeixateria MarilénPescados BeatrizPeix i Marisc J. FerragutPeixos BlauPeixos s’ÀncoraPeixateria Can Àngela i ToniPeixos NinaPescados FerragutPeixos TeresaPeixos Juani Fuster